Here is a great example from an industrial operation of a maintenance procedure using an Accuracy Controlled Enterprise (ACE) 3T standard operating procedure (SOP) format. To make it better would need photos and/or videos included for critical tasks. 3T stands for Target-Tolerance-Test, which are the minimum criteria needed to specify maintenance task quality and prove compliance. The 3T’s are a simple maintenance work quality assurance technique we invented to maximise the chance of doing outstandingly high-quality maintenance work that brings you outstanding plant and equipment reliability.
Maintenance work on machinery and equipment involves complicated, non-routine tasks. These types of activities have a ten percent failure rate if left to the discretion of trained and experienced people. Meaning for every ten times such tasks are done by qualified and competent persons they will get it right nine times and wrong once. Yet even with a 90% success rate, if a maintenance job has 20 complicated, non-routine tasks, the 10% error rate per task means only 12% of all those jobs will be done totally correctly over the years. In the other 88% of times the job was done there would be one or more work quality defects put into the equipment. The ACE 3T maintenance SOP was developed to help knowledgeable, skilled, qualified, competent craftsmen and tradespeople do the best quality work they have ever done. Go ahead and read the example ACE 3T maintenance procedure below and consider what an ACE maintenance SOP format with 3T content can do for maintenance work quality and resulting reliability of your plant and equipment.
You will discover the power of an ACE 3T maintenance procedure as you read the following example maintenance SOP. In it is exactly how to do the job to both minimum acceptable work quality standards and to the world class work quality standards that cause world class reliability. In the SOP is recorded the equipment manufacturer’s recommendations, plus all the experiences, tips, and know-how of the maintenance crew members from across their careers. You can include all your special corporate knowledge and engineering ‘secrets’ so your people do a job exactly as you want it done. ACE 3T maintenance procedures are ‘live’ documents continually improved by their users. Check the feedback received from the maintainers to improve the maintenance procedure noted on the last two pages of this example ACE 3T format maintenance SOP.
You will find an Inspection and Test Plan included as part of this sample maintenance procedure. In this case, due to space limitations on an A4 sheet, the record of maintenance workmanship quality is made in the ITP and not directly in the ACE 3T maintenance procedure. You can overcome any concerns with limited space by using electronic documents to record the task work quality outcomes. If you are constrained to using printed records you can either use a separate ITP, as in this example maintenance SOP, or you can change to A3 size paper to format your maintenance procedures and include space to put the work quality records directly in the SOP.
If you have questions on the above or want to know more about ACE procedures, please email me. All the best to you,
Mike Sondalini
Maintenance Procedure ACE 3T Format And ITPHere is the PDF of the detailed example, for downloading and use.
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