Operational Excellence requires a business system-of-reliability. Reliability is the chance of success, so a company built as a ‘system-of-reliability’ maximizes its operating profits and production success. The three requirements needed to create a system-of-reliability for Operational Excellence are:
1. A defect eliminating work quality assurance system where your processes are robust and anti-fragile to disruption, and insure right-first-time results. Only if processes are built to go right every time; are anti-fragile to error; and proactively prevent causes of problems, can you reach Operational Excellence.
2. Business-wide process innovation focused on optimizing for the highest productivity, least cost, and right quality output. Then you install the next generation of solutions for ever better productivity.
3. Holistic, lifecycle physical asset management for stable, reliable operation with outstanding availability, highest utilization and most sustainable throughput.
You do three phases to reach Operational Excellence the Plant Wellness Way: Design your system-of-reliability – Teach your system-of-reliability – Build your system-of-reliability. First, design a business that can be the best. Second, teach your leaders how to do the right things, rightly. Third, apply and do the right behaviours for success.
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