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Setting reliability targets requires much more than assigning a reliability number.

Reliability targets need to include the intended function of the system or component, the probability of achieving the intended function, the operating conditions and environment, and the time over which reliability needs to be achieved.

Management must be directly involved in developing and communicating the reliability vision and ensuring the necessary steps to achieving reliability are in place.

Fred and Carl discuss these topics in this podcast episode. 

Key Points

The importance of engaging management in setting the vision for reliability?

The key elements of reliability requirements?

What happens if reliability is not properly specified?

SOR 005 Importance of Reliability Goal and Vision DiscussionsCarl S. Carlson
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Show Notes

Definition of Reliability

The definition of reliability contains four key elements:

  1. Measure of ability to perform
  2. Intended function
  3. Under stated condition
  4. Given period of time

These four elements must be included in reliability specifications.


How to Develop an Effective Reliability Plan , 2013 Applied Reliability Symposium

Best Practices for Effective Reliability Program Plans , 2010 RAMS

]]> 0 Importance of Reliability Goal and Vision Discussions Abstract Setting reliability targets requires much more than assigning a reliability number. Reliability targets need to include the intended function of the system or component, the probability of achieving the intended function, the operating conditions and environment, and the time over which reliability needs to be achieved. Management [...] No No 15:00 Carl S. Carlson