Sorting Field Failure Data
Adam and Fred discussing the initial tasks when dealing with field data.
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Your Reliability Engineering Professional Development Site
by Adam Bahret Leave a Comment
Adam and Fred discussing the initial tasks when dealing with field data.
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Kirk and Fred discussing the continued issue of how tough and robust does a product have to be or should be for their markets.
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by James Kovacevic Leave a Comment
Change Management is one of the most critical processes that companies go through and the management wants skilled workers to see company’s goals and objectives fulfilled in this case, desperately. Their standards are sometimes so high that even mediocre employees are sometimes let go. This is where competency comes in action. The management wants highly skilled employees and it is the responsibility of HR to recruit such multi-skilled workers who can perform under various and tough circumstances. That’s why companies today, have a different set of listed skills that they want their employees to be proficient in before they even consider them at all for a job.
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Kirk and Fred discussing the big question is how robust should a product be to be “good enough” for use and occasional accidents?
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by Carl S. Carlson Leave a Comment
Carl and Fred discussing the subject of error proofing and how it can be used to make robust designs and manufacturing processes.
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Fred interviews Wayne Nelson, fellow, author, consultant about his career, books, and statistics.
by James Kovacevic Leave a Comment
While a host of factors influence profitability, maximizing your plant’s production output potential is arguably one of the facility’s greatest opportunities. An Asset Management, Reliability and Maintenance Strategic Plan can guide continuous improvement that’s aligned with bottom-line performance expectations for managing assets and people. This webcast will provide a framework approach for establishing your strategic asset management & reliability plan and the associated business case. Participants will gain a fundamental understanding of how to establish a baseline: “know where you are,” define where you’re going, who needs to be involved, how to measure the program’s progress and results, and what elements are essential for success.
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Carl and Fred discussing the underlying philosophy of Design for Reliability (DFR) and identifying the essence and scope of DFR.
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by Andre Kleyner Leave a Comment
Andre and Fred discussing why we do not like using MTBF.
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by James Kovacevic Leave a Comment
It happens all the time that when certain companies can’t solve a problem, they just move on and overlook it. Sometimes, they successfully solve the problem but it keeps reappearing because they don’t have a proper process for solving that problem. That causes a lot of downtime and costs a lot in the long run. They spare all these resources for solving the problem quickly without even looking for the origin of the problem—the root cause—that they don’t even write the solutions applied in an understandable and applicable way for the next time, the same problem occurs.
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Andre and Fred discussing the range of methods for vibration-based reliability testing.
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by Adam Bahret Leave a Comment
Adam and Fred discussing that fine line between a product’s expected use and abuse.
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by James Kovacevic Leave a Comment
Every organization has a different meaning of schedule depending upon the work processes they have in place. Some people define it as an operational schedule for day-to-day activities and the others take it as a daily or weekly maintenance plan schedule. The other types are fully functional schedule process that involves critical path —the longest path in a schedule—method and the long-range plan that focuses on the surrounding system, work initiatives to be documented, and then executed in processes. When it comes to the basic structure of scheduling, the work break-down structure is at the top.
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by Adam Bahret Leave a Comment
Adam and Fred discussing the need to understand actual customer use, even before they start using the product.
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by Tim Rodgers Leave a Comment
Fred interviews Kellie Schneider a RAMS tutorial committee member and assistant professor about her background and ongoing work with the RAMS conference.