RRP 049 RCM-R Deep Dive with Jesus Sifonte
On this week’s episode, I welcome back on to the show, author of RCM – Re-Engineered, Jesus Sifonte to take a deeper look at RCM. We talk about the importance of defining a proper operating context, primary, secondary and hidden functions and why having a champion is vital in the implementation stage.
My calendar has been filling up lately with conferences and I wanted to let you know where I’ll be podcasting and speaking. I’ll be at Reliable Asset World in Clearwater Beach, Florida May 14-17 and I’ll be at Asset Management Manitoba Summit on June 7th in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
If you have any questions, business inquiries or if you’d like to appear on the podcast, email me at robsreliabilityproject@gmail.com
Follow Jesus Sifonte on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesus-sifonte-18714a12/
Check out PdM Tech – http://www.pdmtechusa.com/
Follow Rob’s Reliability Project on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/robsreliabilityproject/
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