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What is Quality?
In and Out of Control Concepts
Control Chart Concept
Webinar Slides: How to Audit FMEAs
Webinar Slides: Effective FMEA Process
Webinar Slides: 10 Common FMEA Mistakes
Guest Lecture: FMEA Overview
Book Review: Effective FMEAs
A review of Carl’s book, Effective FMEAs, by Nicholas Williard and Sony Mathew
Published in Microelectronics Reliability 52 (2012) 1 749
Projector Lamp Problem
Pencil Problem
Glossary of FMEA Terms
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a method designed to:• Identify and fully understand potential failure modes and their causes, and the effects of failure on the system or end users, for a given product or process.
- Identify and fully understand potential failure modes and their causes, and the effects of failure on the system or end users, for a given product or process.• Assess the risk associated with the identified failure modes,
- Assess the risk associated with the identified failure modes, effects and causes, and prioritize issues for corrective action.
- Identify and carry out corrective actions to address the most serious concerns.
Inside FMEA Resources
<a bit of text on what this set of resources are for and how to best use them>
- Inside FMEA Resources
- FMEA Checklists
- Checklist for Effective Meetings
- Checklist for FMEA Preparation
- FMEA Facilitator Thought-Starter Questions
- FMEA Quality Audit Procedure
- FMEA Quality Objectives
- FMEA Quality Survey Form
- Gather Information Checklist — for Process FMEAs
- Gather Information Checklist — for System and Design FMEAs
- Ground Rules and Assumptions Checklist
- Ready-for-First-Meeting Checklist
- Checklist of Function Types
- FMEA Links
- FMEA Problems
- Pencil Problem
- Projector Lamp Problem
- Glossary of FMEA Terms
- FMEA Articles & Slides
- Book Review: Effective FMEAs
- Guest Lecture: FMEA Overview
- Webinar Slides: 10 Common FMEA Mistakes
- Webinar Slides: Effective FMEA Process
- Webinar Slides: How to Audit FMEAs
- FMEA Checklists