This page lists discontinued (‘fiebat’ is Latin for discontinued) projects or sections of Accendo Reliability. You may have followed an old link to one of these projects, and thus landed here.
Not everything works as expected, yet was worth giving it a try. We learn a bit and move on to try again another day. We’re listing the discontinued projects along with a short description of the idea and why no longer available.
Of course, with sufficient interest, these certainly may be launched anew. If you have an idea or interest, please get in touch. Send Fred an email at fms@accendoreliability.com.
Reliability Engineering Management DRAFT book – As of September 2022 we are wrapping up the final draft. The hundreds of comments have been a wealth of ideas, suggestions, and encouragement. We thank all the draft readers and especially those that took some time to add your comments. The book is now available via your favorite books store. Learn more about The Process of Reliability Engineering page.
Life Data Analysis & Reliability App – This was just a beta for a online application that allows one to analyze data using a Weibull regression tool, plus it had a few other statistical features. It had some interest yet no longer has support, thus discontinued.
Groups – we have tried a few different ways to build an active community for specific topics or ideas. While each project garnered some interest, none really had critical mass or community support to sustain.
Mastermind groups – the idea was to help get groups started. The coordinators stops supporting the creation and support of mastermind groups.
Study groups – the idea was to introduce those preparing for the CRE exam. We had a total of two people in 3 years sign up.
Reliability Integration – the idea was to provide a discussion board for ongoing Q&A and shop talk. Interest in yet another discussion board or community space will not replace Linkedin for the time being.
Forums – this is a discussion group add on for the site. It included support for study groups, mastermind groups, behind the scenes discussions, and more. There hasn’t been activity in any of the forums in years. Never really achieved critical mass.